Things to Look for When Searching for Mr. Right’s Dating Profile

mature online dating

Do you ever wonder if you can actually find the perfect guy, the very own Mr. Right, simply by looking through his dating profile? As you go through the mass amount of profiles, it is may feel like you’ll never find him. But we have some tips that will help you understand what you should be looking for on his profile.

1. Look at his picture.

When we say look at his picture, we don’t mean to see if he is attractive or not. We want you to look at what he is wearing (or not wearing). If he is wearing something that is inappropriate, is nearly naked, or is taking the picture from his bathroom mirror, chances are he is looking for something that is not a long term relationship.
Also, take note of the quality of the photograph. Is it kind of on the grainy side or is it blurred? In today’s age, everyone’s cell phone has a pretty good camera on it, so there should be no reason why the picture isn’t clear—unless he is hiding something.

2. Look at the content of his profile.

As you read his profile, you want to take note of what is written. Does it flow nicely and make sense? Or does it sound choppy and like bits and pieces of it were pasted from different sources? If the profile reads easily, almost like he is having a conversation with you, it is a good indicator that he is prepared for a give and take relationship and both partners equally take part in keeping the conversation flowing.
You will want to stay clear of the men whose profile sounds like he is trying to promote himself. These guys are more concerned with just trying to “land” you, rather than woo you.

3. The username is important.

The person’s username is one of the most overlooked aspects of the profile. This username is actually quite important because it gives you an idea of what his intentions are. If his username has something like “SexinItUp247,” then you can pretty much guess what he is looking for.
Adversely, if his username indicates that he’s not as mature as you would like, then perhaps you may want to take a pass on him also.

One thing can be said is that at this point in time, you have to be clear on what you want. Do you want just a casual tryst every now and then or are you looking for something more serious? You don’t want to go to a dating site and hope for one and the site is dedicated for the other. For example, you don’t want to join a site for casual dating when you are looking for your life partner.
Online dating can be a challenge, there is no denying that. However, when you know what you want and with the help of these tips, you may find it much easier trying to spot your Mr. Right.